Business Process Analysis
Is there an area of your business which just isn't performing as well as it could? Our service will analyse what your employees are actually doing to get the information you need them to provide , report where the bottlenecks are in the process and advise how to remove them.
Previous BPA successes include:
Reducing the data migration process between systems from 1 day to 15 seconds.
Reducing the VAT Return process from 1 month to 15 minutes.
Speeding up the time to invoice from 14 days to 1 hour.
Contact us today to see how we could help improve your business processes.
David Bissmire, IT Manager
Craig International Ltd.
Whilst at The Craig Group I worked closely with Mike on a number of IT Business Projects and found him to be of the utmost professional order in the quality and efficacy of his work.
Mikes best attributes came to the fore whilst working closely with clients, both internal and external, in determining the required goals and outcomes of the project at hand. A testament to Mike's forward thinking and planning is that IT Business Systems and processes that Mike was tasked to provide, or was part of the team that was tasked for the implementation, are still being used or have been used as a working model for development in the current business environment.